event 1
Event 1: Healthcare Workers Vaccine Mandate
top retweets:
COVID Update: When vaccine requirements are announced, whether in the military, a company, or a hospital, there is attention paid to the often dozen(s) who protest.
— Andy Slavitt 🇺🇸💉 (@ASlavitt) September 28, 2021
Less attention is paid to the thousands who get vaccinated. 1/
To any healthcare workers who choose to resign rather than get vaccinated to protect their patients, I say: GOOD RIDDANCE!
— Jon Cooper 🇺🇸 (@joncoopertweets) September 28, 2021
BREAKING NEWS: New York hospitals begin firing healthcare workers who refused to get vaccinated against COVID before tonight’s deadline. RT IF YOU SUPPORT THE HOSPITALS FOR STANDING STRONG TO PROTECT PATIENTS!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) September 28, 2021
12,000 unvaccinated illegal immigrant Haitians are currently being fully supported by the United States but a healthcare worker in New York who doesn’t want the vaccine is currently unemployed and is not even eligible for unemployment benefits.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) September 28, 2021
Only one state trooper in Massachusetts resigned over the vaccine mandate. Not dozens. Have a nice Tuesday.
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) September 28, 2021
They don’t want you asking why so many healthcare workers are refusing the mandate
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 28, 2021
If you are quitting public service because of vaccine mandates, you were never there to actually serve.
— Heather Thomas (@HeatherThomasAF) September 27, 2021
The vaccine mandate is a clarifying example of police unions being entirely indifferent to public safety, because there’s no risk at all to the officers and no real opportunity to frame it as somehow leading to more crime. They just think they ought to be exempt from the rules. https://t.co/CPtNhyRHFF
— Adam Serwer 🍝 (@AdamSerwer) September 28, 2021
BREAKING: New York Governor Kathy Hochul signs executive order to deploy the National Guard, retired health workers, new grads, and those licensed in other states and countries to fill in for anti-vaxxer nurses who quit over the vaccine mandate. RT IF YOU SUPPORT GOVERNOR HOCHUL!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) September 27, 2021
BREAKING: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ … Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with Mandates#ExposePharma pic.twitter.com/JzjKoJ9uqG
— veritastips@protonmail.com🇺🇸 (@EricSpracklen) September 28, 2021