
Each flock’s level of activity as compared with the previous days’ average (2021-09-26)

Top 5 most active flocks (based on p_score) and top words in their tweets (2021-09-26)


[back, channel, info, recommend, team, account, steps, mind, youtube, hope, tag, sharing, needed, tweet, posted, time, helps, url, make, video]

Finance Reporters:

[people, time, election, china, uk, german, government, money, years, germany, fed, good, world, year, market, big, week, make, spd, financial]

MENA (Middle East North Africa):

[people, #savealaa, iraq, israel, years, today, 26, sep, #on, 25, time, forces, 2021, killed, election, party, israeli, world, palestinian, turkey]

TV News:

[people, watch, police, trump, years, time, biden, president, election, week, sunday, bill, icymi, covid19, house, train, day, live, back, gabby]

Men’s Self Help:

[people, life, time, good, make, love, day, years, world, money, work, things, free, back, real, great, ve, lol, feel, thing]

2021-09-26 events

Arizona Election Audit:

Border Patrol:

Infrastructure Bill: