
Each flock’s level of activity as compared with the previous days’ average (2021-09-17)

Top 5 most active flocks (based on p_score) and top words in their tweets (2021-09-17)

Public Health:

[health, people, vaccine, fda, covid19, data, booster, covid, boosters, risk, today, #covid19, vote, learn, patients, high, time, work, dr, pfizer]

The Literary World:

[book, read, love, books, people, time, good, fiction, work, poetry, day, congratulations, reading, writing, 2021, national, today, list, award, week]

Conservative Media:

[biden, people, border, trump, covid, vaccine, strike, time, media, news, today, americans, drone, day, afghanistan, killed, president, good, texas, administration]

Finance Reporters:

[people, market, week, year, inflation, china, years, time, world, financial, fed, today, uk, good, back, big, bank, business, covid, prices]


[people, good, work, paper, make, time, great, policy, data, research, today, economics, health, years, read, tax, world, economic, important, lot]

2021-09-17 events

Covid-19: Booster Shots, Antibody Treatments:

Haitian Migrants Seek Asylum in Del Rio, TX:

Pentagon Acknowledges Kabul Drone Strike Killed Civilians:

UAKUS Submarine Deal: France Recalls Ambassadors:

Clarence Thomas Speaks on SCOTUS Partisanship: