
Each flock’s level of activity as compared with the previous days’ average (2021-08-08)

Top 5 most active flocks (based on p_score) and top words in their tweets (2021-08-08)

Bitcoin Traders:

[crypto, people, bitcoin, #bitcoin, time, good, money, make, bill, btc, lol, market, long, work, back, eth, infrastructure, today, gold, day]

TV News:

[covid19, olympic, tokyo, gold, people, time, olympics, vaccine, covid, games, medal, watch, day, back, delta, cuomo, morning, sunday, dm, dr]

Conservative Media:

[people, covid, time, biden, party, good, obama, vaccinated, vaccine, trump, years, day, make, bill, police, great, back, birthday, mask, kids]

Men’s Self Help:

[people, time, good, life, make, day, women, money, work, back, love, things, great, today, start, world, lol, years, real, thing]

MENA (Middle East North Africa):

[people, taliban, iraq, saudi, years, aug, syria, day, iran, israeli, killed, israel, time, state, year, forces, afghanistan, regime, 2020, today]

2021-08-08 events

Coronavirus: Delta Variant, Vaccinations, Ron Desantis, Obama Birthday Party:

Interviews of DOJ Officials On Trump Post-Election Efforts:

Chicago Police Officer Fatally Shot:

Antifa Interrupts Christian Prayer Event: