flock 2
All the whole day’s tweets are what we call ‘all day’ tweets; the tweets on specific events are what we call ‘focus’ tweets.
We provide brief summaries for these two sets of tweets separately.
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.
top hashtags and retweeted/quoted/replied-to handles (all day)
top_hashtags | top_retweeted | top_quoted | top_replied |
#hisense, #tuckeriskillingus, #childtaxcredit | @mmpadellan, @kylegriffin1, @gtconway3d | @dwaynecobb, @CutePetsLA, @AFP | @HisenseIntl, @didikins4life, @Letsbefrank2410 |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
top retweets (all day)
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
top linked urls (all day)
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.
top hashtags and retweeted/quoted/replied-to handles (focus)
event_label | top_hashtags | top_retweeted | top_quoted | top_replied |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | #childtaxcredit, #bidenchildtaxcredit, #democratsdeliver | @POTUS, @RBReich, @TeamPelosi | @AlbertDeAscenti, @amprog, @AuschwitzMuseum | @jennobenno, @AP, @ChiefKeefe225 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | #womenpower, #biden, #maddow | @POTUS, @kylegriffin1, @ReportsDaNews | @W7VOA | @avocams |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | #russia, #trumprussia, #trump | @CaslerNoel, @lukeharding1968, @gtconway3d | @anonymous_karen, @Anti_Fascist247, @Bruno_J_Navarro | @DonaldJTrumpJr, @ExposingALEC, @lukeharding1968 |
Maricopa County Election Audit | #tuckercarlson, #factsmatter, #oh11 | @TheRickyDavila, @JuddLegum, @mmpadellan | @cosmoksmom, @dwaynecobb, @ElectionWiz | @cspanwj, @PhilipSoos, @AmyAThatcher |
US Gen. Mark Milley Remarks on Trump Post-Election Coup | #trumpscoupplaybook, #justicematters, #deadlinewh | @glennkirschner2, @SteveSchmidtSES, @mmpadellan | @AshaRangappa_, @brhodes, @covie_93 | @JoyAnnReid, @MollyJongFast, @AnnaMills1953 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
top retweets (focus)
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries
top linked urls (focus)
event_label | full_url | n |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | syracuse | 7 |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | politicususa | 4 |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | politicususa | 4 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | rawstory | 4 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | theguardian | 2 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | cnb | 1 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | theguardian | 24 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | rawstory | 5 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | thedailybeast | 4 |
Maricopa County Election Audit | cnn | 4 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries