flock 1
All the whole day’s tweets are what we call ‘all day’ tweets; the tweets on specific events are what we call ‘focus’ tweets.
We provide brief summaries for these two sets of tweets separately.
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.
top hashtags and retweeted/quoted/replied-to handles (all day)
top_hashtags | top_retweeted | top_quoted | top_replied |
#demvoice1, #oh11, #childtaxcredit | @kylegriffin1, @gtconway3d, @POTUS | @freddyatton, @Acyn, @donwinslow | @SenTedCruz, @OlgaNYC1211, @fenrir_71 |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
top retweets (all day)
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
top linked urls (all day)
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.
top hashtags and retweeted/quoted/replied-to handles (focus)
event_label | top_hashtags | top_retweeted | top_quoted | top_replied |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | #childtaxcredit, #bidenchildtaxcredit, #kidsareworthit | @POTUS, @TeamPelosi, @kylegriffin1 | @BrookeGoren, @criter_dee, @DiGiorno | @OlgaNYC1211, @tweetMalena, @9thFloorAZ |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | #angelamerkel, #biden, #trump | @POTUS, @kylegriffin1, @VP | @kniggem, @kylegriffin1, @RanttMedia | @AngelaBelcamino, @ReportsDaNews |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | #russia, #trumprussia, #putin | @lukeharding1968, @gtconway3d, @CaslerNoel | @FrankFigliuzzi1, @AndrewFeinberg, @gtconway3d | @mog7546, @OlgaNYC1211, @DrDenaGrayson |
Maricopa County Election Audit | #oh11, #demvoice1, #wtpblue | @JuddLegum, @TheRickyDavila, @JoyceWhiteVance | @Acyn, @aliciasadowski6, @badkitty251 | @AhmedBaba_, @AZGOP, @AlexisDiasG2 |
US Gen. Mark Milley Remarks on Trump Post-Election Coup | #freshvoicesrise, #trumpscoupplaybook, #demvoice1 | @MollyJongFast, @DanRather, @gtconway3d | @bulldoghill, @peterbakernyt, @Acyn | @AC360, @AhmedBaba_, @AnnaRuspa |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
top retweets (focus)
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries
top linked urls (focus)
event_label | full_url | n |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | syracuse | 16 |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | healthcare | 9 |
American Rescue Plan: Child Tax Credit | yahoo | 2 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | cnn | 2 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | politicususa | 2 |
Angela Merkel White House Visit | rawstory | 2 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | theguardian | 37 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | rawstory | 13 |
Leaked Kremlin Documents | rawstory | 11 |
Maricopa County Election Audit | cnn | 15 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries