
EVENT 1: Former Attorney General Barr comments on Trump Election Fraud Claims

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘bill barr, election, barr’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

How much and how flocks talked about it

EVENT 2: Condo Building Collapse in Florida

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘building collapse, building, condo collapse, florida, death toll, collapse, miami dade, rescue efforts, #surfside, #surfsidebuildingcollapse, emergency response’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

How much and how flocks talked about it

EVENT 3: Negotiations on Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘deal, infrastructure, reconciliation bill’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

How much and how flocks talked about it

EVENT 4: Debate over teaching Critical Race Theory

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘race, #criticalracetheory’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

How much and how flocks talked about it

EVENT 5: Concern over Coronavirus Delta Variant

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘delta, variant, #deltavariant’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

No meanstream media covered this event

How much and how flocks talked about it

EVENT 6: Former Sen. Mike Gravel dies at 91

All tweets containing one of the following words were included:

‘mike gravel, pentagon papers, gravel, #ripmikegravel’

Top retweeted mainstream media links:

How much and how flocks talked about it