event 4
Event 4: Debate over teaching Critical Race Theory
top retweets:
We're examining and defining critical race theory while asking ourselves, How Did We Get Here?! pic.twitter.com/faAucNbULv
— amber ruffin (@ambermruffin) June 12, 2021
The original war against Critical Race Theory & (((Red Professors))). pic.twitter.com/TPJkROBPW3
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) June 13, 2021
📌Critical Race FACT I: In 1860, slaves made up HALF of the combined populations of Miss., S.C., La., Ga., Ala. & Fla.
— D. Earl Stephens ✍️ (@EarlOfEnough) June 13, 2021
📌Critical Race FACT II: These were also the first 6 states to secede from the Union.
📌Critical Race FACT III: These states would rather you didn't know this.
Gov. DeSantis: “Critical Race Theory teaches kids to hate our country and to hate each other.” (2021)
— Liam Hogan (@Limerick1914) June 12, 2021
The KKK: “In our schools and libraries are books that create hatred and dislike among the people of different sections of America. The Klan is pledged to true history.” (1922) https://t.co/LuNAM3kYDg
There is a backlash to the backlash on critical race theory. Thousands of teachers have signed a pledge saying, “We refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events — regardless of the law.” Speaking the truth is not a crime in a free society.
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) June 13, 2021
Critical Race Theory isn’t a theory.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) June 13, 2021
It’s not a perspective of history.
It’s racialism, reducing everyone to race.
CRT’s purpose: tear down western institutions with accusations of “systemic racism” using racial minorities as the vanguard.
Why? To impose Marxism.
Reject it.
Is your child texting about critical race theory? pic.twitter.com/JhE8mb1lfT
— NhuBoo S. Pumpkins 🎃👻 (@neweyno) June 11, 2021
"Critical race theory" has quickly become a catch-all phrase for anyone who dares acknowledge the existence of racism in society.
— Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) June 13, 2021
When they talk about banning CRT, they don't mean CRT; they mean banning discussion of racism at all.
It's about protecting white supremacy.
What critical race theory teaches:
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) June 13, 2021
What they tell you critical race theory teaches: https://t.co/yOZxdarVln pic.twitter.com/v6hmZOWr5J